"Dubossary is our Brest fortress"

07/06/18 17:31

"Dubossary is our Brest fortress"

Meeting in memory of the heads of enterprises and organizations who died on July 6, 1992 during artillery shelling of the city have been hold

Dubossary, 6 July. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. 26 years ago on July, 6 direct hit of the shell released from high-caliber gun at the porch of Dubossary municipal government killed the heads of enterprises and organizations leaving from a conference - Rafael Gareyev, Ilya Guritsenko, Vyacheslav Dodul, Gennady Kuznetsov, Natalya Lupolova, Galina Marchenko, Stepan Pokotilo and Vasily Radovsky.

Today the meeting has taken place on the place of tragedy, the press service of local state administration reports. The State adviser to the President of PMR for social policy Anna Volkova, local authorities, the families of dead heads, representatives of labor collectives and public organizations, inhabitants have taken part in it.

"It happened so that there are a lot of tragic dates in the Dubossary history, one of them – July 6. Shelling was surely corrected. People who have gathered here that day really were those on whom defense of the city in this heavy time of Republic of Moldova aggression in many respects depended. I consider that Dubossary is our Brest fortress. Many defenders of Dubossary, defenders of Pridnestrovie have written their names in history. Those who have died from this shelling are defenders of PMR. The memory of them will live in generations. The building stores shelling traces. These historical traces in order other generations to know what occurred in 1992", - the adviser to the head of state has noted.

Anna Volkova has expressed the deepest condolences on behalf of the President of PMR Vadim Krasnoselsky to the families of the dead heads and defenders of Pridnestrovie.

"That day we were comprehended by one more grief: one of the most beautiful villages of our area Tsybulevka was undergone mass firing, as a result of firing 7 people had died, 15 had been wounded. It were civilians. Holding in remembrance dead inhabitants of city and district, it is necessary to be together as in the most severe times, we need to be more attentive, more careful and kinder to each other. And to do together everything possible for creation and development of our city and district, our republic, wellbeing, happy and peaceful life of our people", - the head of the Dubossary district Ruslan Chaban has emphasized.

Participants of the meeting have observed a minute of silence in memory of the dead heads and have laid flowers on the memorable sign established at the place of the tragedy.

Then they have proceeded on the Memorial of Military Glory where have laid flowers at graves of the dead.


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