Long-term mutually beneficial cooperation

05/28/18 19:07

Long-term mutually beneficial cooperation

Alexander Martynov has received a Chinese delegation

Tiraspol, 28 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The chairman of the government, Alexander Martynov, held a working meeting with a Chinese delegation headed by Richard Lin. Among the guests were the owner of the company of mining traders, Gao Wee Hu, and the representative of one of the leading companies in the mining market, Yu Fang Zen. The Pridnestrovian side was represented by deputy prime minister Stanislav Kasap and the leadership of the Ministry of Economic Development headed by minister Sergey Obolonik.

Welcoming the guests, Alexander Martynov noted that the government, together with all state authorities, had been actively working to attract investment in the country.

"This is one of the main directions since the government's goal is to create additional jobs, to provide the inflow of currency into the state," the press service cites the prime minister as saying.

Alexander Martynov also noted that the country is interested in bringing the existing production capacities to their maximum, in particular in the sphere of energy.

The prime minister recalled the recently adopted Pridnestrovian law "On block-chain technologies".

"The essence of this law is to create more profitable conditions for mining in Pridnestrovie than in any other country," said Alexander Martynov.

In turn, the head of the delegation, Richard Lin, thanked for the reception and expressed readiness for cooperation. He said that he had learnt about the new Pridnestrovian law providing support to investors in February 2018.

The Chinese guests stated that they planned to develop a long-term partnership with Pridnestrovie, not only in the field of mining but also in other areas.

"Our goals coincide. This is a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation. It is important that this is not only cooperation in the field of block-chain, not only in terms of mining but also in other investment projects," stressed Alexander Martynov.

The prime minister invited the members of the Chinese delegation to visit the major energy enterprises of the country. They accepted the invitation and stated that, following a three-day visit, they would meet again and sum up the results.


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