Issues of villages under RM juristiction to be solved by local authorities of nerby Pridnestrovian settlements

11/01/17 12:55

Issues of villages under RM juristiction to be solved by local authorities of nerby Pridnestrovian settlements

The Supreme Council has endorsed the initiative in the first reading

Tiraspol, November 1. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Powers of the local authorities in the Pridnestrovian villages under RM jurisdiction will be transferred to the administrations and the Village Councils of nearby settlements of the PMR.

The bill has been prepared in order to settle the situation with absence of local authorities in some rural settlements. It concerns several villages of the Dubasari District which belong to our republic de jure, but they are under jurisdiction of the Republic of Moldova de facto. A number of the nearby villages relating to Bendery are in the same situation. In such ambiguous situation, citizens cannot exercise their rights in declaring their homeownership, it has been emphasized during the plenary session of the Pridnestrovie's Supreme Council of PMR.

The initiative authors offer to codify the attribution of powers of local authorities and heads of administrations of these villages and other settlements to the powers of nearby local councils of People's Deputies and heads of other villages, settlements in the same area where these local authorities already exist.

The bill has been passed in the first reading.


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