Rogozin comment on the plane turn by Romania

07/28/17 16:57

Rogozin comment on the plane turn by Romania

Russian Deputy Prime Minister: Wait for an answer, bunch of creeps

The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the Russian President's Envoy to Pridnestrovie Dmitry Rogozin commented on the Romanian authorities' decision to close the airspace for the plane heading to Chisinau over the territory of the state, writes.

«The Romanian authorities have endangered lives of the passengers of the flight S7 including women and children. Fuel was only enough to make it to Minsk. Wait for an answer, bunch of creeps," he wrote on his Twitter page.

It was reported previously that it had been decided to go to a safe reserve airfield in Minsk to make necessary refueling and to contact the authorities on the further flight of the plane. Rogozin contacted the Russian Foreign Ministry and Rosaviatsia (Federal Air Transport Agency) from a board.


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