Vadim Krasnoselsky: ‘I am sure Pridnestrovie will be recognised, but it will be an evolutionary track’

06/22/17 14:33

Vadim Krasnoselsky: ‘I am sure Pridnestrovie will be recognised, but it will be an evolutionary track’

In an interview with Russia's Izvestiya, the Pridnestrovian president spoke about the recognition of Crimea, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, noting that bloodshed was too high a price and that Pridnestrovie should seek recognition through an evolutionary, peaceful means
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Tiraspol, 22 June. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. President Krasnoselsky gave an interview to Russia's Izvestiya newspaper, stating that Pridnestrovie had every reason to be recognised.

«The most important thing is that Moldova has legally refused us when it adopted a decision on 23 June 1990 recognising the documents proclaiming the formation of the MSSR void. At that time, Moldova did not only secede from the USSR but also from the MSSR, leaving us free to go," said Krasnoselsky to Izvestiya.

According to the president, this «free going» «greatly irritates the Moldovan side.»

«It was their very serious strategic mistake, but in those years they were in the wake of the euphoria of sovereignty. Crimea was recognised as a result of the geopolitical confrontation of world players. Ossetia and Abkhazia were recognised, unfortunately, after the bloodshed. It is good they are recognised, but it's bad that people were killed. I am convinced it is necessary to seek recognition through peaceful and evolutionary means. Bloodshed is too high a price for recognition. I am sure Pridnestrovie will be recognised, but this will be an evolutionary way.»

He recalled that on 19 June Pridnestrovie had marked the 25th anniversary of the Bendery tragedy. On that day in 1992 Moldova's armed forces stormed into the city of Bendery.

A few days before the invasion, the Moldovan parliament had been considering an exclusively peaceful solution to the Pridnestrovian problem. The city, in which observers were working, including Romanian ones, had been unblocked.

«And on 19 June, in came three columns. I am a military man and understand that when the peaceful solution was announced, an invasion order had already been issued. It is not done in half a day; it takes at least a month. Hundreds of people died. Thank's to Russia's intervention, the carnage was stopped. Many Moldovan citizens were killed, but where is Kishinev's legal assessment [of these events]? Some politicians say now it was an evil act and a tragedy. I agree. This is our misfortune and Moldova's. But an assessment should be given as it is hard to move forward without it. If there's no legal assessment, this means someone is ready to repeat what was done. There is no punishment," said the president.

The main goal of any president, according to Krasnoselsky, is «the preservation of statehood and peace in the country.»

«I am often reproached: you are not recognised; it's time to make choice. What is the use of recognised states, which are involved in military adventures and lose people in their territory in civil conflicts? We have kept peace in our country for 25 years, and no one has been killed since the end of hostilities. This is our achievement, our value. My main task is to preserve these values and our statehood», he concluded.


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