Pridnestrovian and Moldovan experts continue discussing apostilisation of PMR education certificates

05/23/16 17:06

Pridnestrovian and Moldovan experts continue discussing apostilisation of PMR education certificates

A regular meeting of expert (working) groups on education took place in Kishinev

Tiraspol, 23 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today, the Kishinev office of the OSCE Mission hosted a regular meeting of expert (working) groups on education took place in Kishinev with the involvement of the Pridnestrovian and Moldoavn political representatives, the press service of Pridnestrovie's MFA reports.

«During the meeting the sides have continued discussing the possibility of apostilling education certificates issued in Pridnestrovie so that they could be further used abroad. In particular, they have made some progress in certain normative and technical mechanisms of solving this issue," reads the statement.

It is expected that the dialogue in this area will be continued at the level of subject matter experts.