President: I believe sooner or later we'll live in a united country

05/09/16 11:54

President: I believe sooner or later we'll live in a united country

In an interview with journalists following the military parade, Yevgeny Shevchuk talked about the unity of Pridnestrovie and Russia
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Tiraspol, 9 May. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Following the military parade, events dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory continued with a flower-laying ceremony at the Military Glory Memorial. It was attended by President Yevgeny Shevchuk, the first president of Pridnestrovie, Igor Smirnov, Chair of the Government Pavel Prokudin, Chair of the Supreme Council Vadim Krasnoselsky, representatives of legislative, executive and judicial branched of power, servicemen of the Operational Group of Russian Forces in Pridnestrovie, representatives of labour collectives, public organisations and numerous participants of the Immortal Regiment march.

President Yevgeny Shevchuk laid the first wreath to the tombs of Motherland Defenders.

«Today we've held a unique military parade. Servicemen of the Operational Group of Russian Forces took part in it. During the war we were all united and regardless of nationalities defended our united Motherland. This unites us all. I believe that sooner or later, and rather sooner, we'll live in a united country," said the head of state in an interview with journalists.

A minute of silence was observed in memory of those who had not survived to see the Victory Day and laid down their lives protecting their Motherland against Nazi invaders. Rifle volleys were shot to pay tribute to liberators.


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