President Yevgeny Shevchuk meets Tiraspol residents

04/19/16 21:20

President Yevgeny Shevchuk meets Tiraspol residents

Many question were discussed in three hours – from a meeting with Dmitry Rogozin to a scheme of pension distribution
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Tiraspol, 19 April. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today, the president has met the residents of Tiraspol to discuss all issues of their concern. The first news the president announced is that a loan for repaying salary debts to public sector employees and pensioners will be taken up. The government has been instructed to start a discussion of loan terms, and if the question is quickly settled, payments will start in May.

The second topic Yevgeny Shevchuk dwelt on was the results of his recent visit to Moscow and meeting with Russia's vice premier Dmitry Rogozin.

«First of all, we discussed a range of economic issues. I expressed gratitude for the opportunity to sign a direct agreement between Pridnestrovian and Russian customs services. In addition, certain incentives were proposed for exporters, and there are certain resources in Pridnestrovie to stimulate exports to Russia. We hope it will yield results in future," he said.

Healthcare. It was probably the most debatable topic at the meeting. Tiraspol residents were complaining about the high cost of medical treatment received by means of new equipment and low salaries of medical auxiliary staff, asked how the building of the former Polyclinic No. 3 would be used and when the polyclinic itself would be «returned».

Yevgeny Shevchuk reminded the audience that in 2012 the healthcare sphere (alongside education) became a priority. Since then nearly $90 million has been invested in medicine, with the first reforms launched in the most «vulnerable» areas to reduce death and disability rates on many socially significant diseases. This refers to reanimation, perinatal, oncological and other areas. Large-scale investment (mostly from non-government sources) has been made in the re-equipment of diagnostic departments.

But the maintenance of the modern equipment also costs a lot. According to the president, some services are chargeable as the funds allocated from the state budget for healthcare are only sufficient for paying salaries and purchasing essential medications.

«As for medical tariffs, they must be 10% lower than those in Moldova. These are basic conditions. We'll check and announce if they are lower or not," promised the president.

With regard to Polyclinic No. 3, the head of state recalled that soon it would be again available for patients and would be located at the place of the former children's hospital in Sverdlov St. Repair works are currently in full swing. And the white and blue building in 25th October St will host a state-run diagnostic centre available for all residents, not only those living at the centre of Tiraspol.

The president also recalled that «not a kopeck of tax receipts was spent on the two medical facilities».

The meeting lasted three hours during which many other problems, besides mentioned above, including public utilities and road facilities, were discussed. The head of Tiraspol, Andrey Bezbabchenko, also took part in the discussion and answered a number of questions.


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