Tiraspol, 21 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. As was recalled by Pidnestrovie's acting foreign minister, Vitaly Ignatyev, on 4 November 2015 Kiev and Kishinev «almost secretly agreed to organise a joint customs and border control at the Kuchurgan checkpoint on the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border».
«The implementation of these decisions, made outside the negotiation process and without taken Pridnestrovie's position into account, will entail the toughening of people's movement and the conduct of import transactions through this checkpoint," Vitaly Ignatyev told TASS.
According to him, these actions aim to ascertain full control over Pridnestrovie's foreign economic policy by establishing Moldova's legal cover along the country's perimeter, «which enables Moldova to legally employ all restrictive mechanisms against the republic».
«The implementation of these plans by Kiev and Kishinev will cause huge losses for the Pridnestrovian economy, make it impossible to import a whole category of goods, including by individual citizens, and result in triple customs clearance of the Pridnestrovian imports. It should also be noted that this measure will allow Moldova to employ leverage to affect the country's enterprises against whose management politically motivated criminal charges have been filed in Moldova. The extension of the Moldovan legal framework to this sector of the Pridnestrovian border will make it impossible to import, in particular, socially significant goods, which may really lead to a food blockade of Pridnestrovie," underscored the diplomat.
He also noted that the presence of Moldovan law enforcers on the Ukrainian-Pridnestrovian border would unbalance the whole system of stability and increase armed conflict risks.
«The Pridnestrovian side is proposing to hold immediate consultations at every available level of the negotiation process to find compromise solutions to this problem," concluded Vitaly Ignatyev.