Vitaly Ignatyev: ‘No one can predetermine a settlement and force the sides to go in the direction they don't want to’

12/07/15 16:31

Vitaly Ignatyev: ‘No one can predetermine a settlement and force the sides to go in the direction they don't want to’

The foreign minister has commented on the declaration of the OSCE ministerial council about Pridnestrovie's political status

Tiraspol, 7 December. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. As our agency has already reported, the OSCE ministerial council has adopted a declaration which provides for a special status of Pridnestrovie within Moldova. The document underscores that «the peaceful process in the region is only possible on condition that Moldova's territorial integrity is upheld.»

Vitaly Ignatyev commented on the adoption of the declaration in an interview with the Russia 24 channel. According to the Pridnestrovian diplomat, this declaration serves as a cover-up for the OSCE chairmanship's failure in this area.

«For two years Swiss and Serbian chairmanships have been engaged in the process of settlement. It is during this period the negotiation process has stagnated and, I dare say, degraded in many respects. The declaration is a fig leaf which covers the failed OSCE chairmanships, including that of Serbia. This is no more than a ritual," underscored Vitaly Ignatyev.

He noted that this document had been adopted outside the international negotiation format; besides, Pridnestrovie did not participate in the work of OSCE foreign policy councils.

«No one can predetermine a settlement and force the sides to go in the direction they don't want to. Such declarations do not bring us closer to a settlement," said Vitaly Ignatyev.

«We need to carry out a dialogue and fulfil agreements without screwing partners' arms, and then I believe we'll make headway," concluded the diplomat.


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