President delivers interactive board certificates to 29 school headmasters

11/24/15 16:14

President delivers interactive board certificates to 29 school headmasters

Tiraspol, 24 November. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today Yevgeny Shevchuk has delivered certificates for interactive boards to headmasters of 29 secondary schools.

As the president's press office reports, interactive boards have been purchased by the Pridnestrovian Humanitarian Fund as part of the Alphabet project. The modern equipment has already been donated to 20 municipal and countryside schools.

«When choosing the schools to present these boards, we first of all drew attention to schools' fill rate. Today, one third of schools have been equipped with modern equipment. In addition, two technical colleges have also received such boards," said Yevgeny Shevchuk. «We will allocate extra-budgetary funds to complete the equipping of the education sector.»

The president also underscored that these investments are strictly earmarked.

The president also noted that in the past years considerable attention has been given to education and healthcare systems as priorities of state policy. «These sectors form our present and future," said the president.

Yevgeny Shevchuk also mentioned that a presidential programme Prioritet, covering 116 social facilities, has been implemented since September 2015. There are 82 schools among these facilities. «Besides, kindergartens and schools are currently under construction or reconstruction. There are lots of needs, but we have made considerable progress in three years: alongside new textbooks received this year, we have equipped our schools with up-to-date appliances," said the head of state. As is known, all Russian language schools have received 517,200 new books as part of the Russo-Pridnestrovian project for textbook replacement.

«The correlation of new curricula and standards with technologies and up-to-date textbooks allows our education system to keep up with the time," underscored the president.

At the end of the meeting, the head of state thanked the headmasters for high performance and for the work they do every day. «May health and success attend you!» Yevgeny Shevchuk wished them.


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