According to the expert, if Pridnestrovie’s economy was structured as Belarusian one where a central player was a state, it would be reasoable to speak about relative safety. However, monopolization of economy by the private capital is observed in PMR as well as in Moldova and in Ukraine, the expert notes.
«Financial and industrial group „Sherif“ has managed to concentrate the supercapital in its hands and to take under control different assets ranging from Sherif FC and KVINT Cognac Plant to gas stations and retail trade. The enterprises of Sherif Private Corporation provide about 50% of tax revenues to the budget," it is told in the article.
Accordingly, private sector capital seized the PMR in hostages; it is naturally seeking to privatize the government».
«Oligarchy behaves equally anywhere on the planet. The Pridnestrovie's private capital will also behave the same way as the Ukrainian or Moldovan capital did», the Russian journalist predicts.
Accordingly, he comes to a conclusion that a key threat for the Pridnestrovie's state is privatization of the state by oligarchy.
«And, as we could see on the example of Ukraine, Moldova or Georgia, process of privatization of the state by oligarchy always begins with parliament. Other authorities come under private capital control later. If you want to understand if oligarchy influences your state, it is always worth studying structure of parliament," Semyon Uralov makes a conclusion.