Gifted youth to be involved in solving serious national issues

09/30/15 12:56

Gifted youth to be involved in solving serious national issues

It is to be done as part of a new programme

Its working name is «First Job Programme». The programme was announced by President Shevchuk at a meeting with the university's most active students. According to the president, it will be worked out within a month or two. It aims at stopping an outflow of gifted youth from the country by their involvement in the work of state authorities for addressing serious challenges Pridnestrovie has faced.

'The programme aims to ensure that 3−5 year students showing a high level of knowledge in this or that area should be involved in work on various fronts. One of such fields is big business, which is in need of effective managers who can cast a fresh glance and evaluate the situation in a concrete area or industry and together with management try to find some new solutions," said the president.

Representatives of Pridnestrovie's major state-owned enterprises, banks, ministries and agencies will be engaged in the development of the programme.

«There will be certain guidelines compelling them to employ some categories of talented young people. Of course, they will be closely cooperating with you from the 4th year on," said Yevgeny Shevchuk at the meeting with the university's best students.

According to the president, some ministries have already had some experience of such cooperation, but the practice should be extended.

«We must take into account the experience of the past years when many talented young people left the country. We want to overcome the situation. This programme must become a good start position and provide social mobility means for the most gifted youth," underscored the president.


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