President's privacy

09/28/15 15:00

President's privacy

An exclusive interview of the president and the country's first lady

Yevgeny Shevchuk on his spouse: «In some situations we even think in the same way»

Mr President, many readers already know that you celebrated your marriage at home, in Pridnestrovie. However, there are various rumours in the Internet about details. For example, famous singer Ion Suruceanu has called the wedding modest and the bride's dress nice. Will you tell us about this event? There may be fewer stories in the Internet told by the so called eyewitnesses.

I and Nina decided that it was inappropriate time for puffy ceremonies, which is why we celebrated at home in the company of friends and relatives. There were 50 people altogether.

Is it true that Metropolitan Bishop Vladimir was invited to the ceremony?

Yes, of course. It was my idea to invite him. For many years Metropolitan Vladimir has been head of the Moldovan Metropolia of the Russian Orthodox Church, Pridnestrovie being part of it, and I asked His Holiness to hold the wedding service.

And now, probably, unexpected question. Mrs Shevchuk has already a daughter. How do you get along with Yana?

We have perfect relations. I take Yana as my own daughter. I'd like very much to become a good father to her. We have agreed to speak earnestly and discuss problems if there are any. Now Yana is attracting increased attention, including school, but she is a serious girl and will cope with that. Study first, and the rest at a university … And I as a father will always be nearby.

Are you planning to have your own children?

Sure. There is no need to be planning, it is quite evident now (smiling). God grant, everything will go all right, and soon there'll an addition to the family.

How do you spend your free time together? This is what, I suppose, you almost don't have. What common interests, hobbies do you have? Or does each have its own?

We both used to do equestrian sports. Once I fell from the horse and injured my hand. And since then, unfortunately, I haven't ridden.

We were actively engaged in science. Nina defended a thesis on international conflicts, and I was more interested in economics. That is why we even did not have (and still don't) enough time for reading fiction.

Nina prefers books on international relations history and diplomacy. I also used to read them, but she studies them more profoundly. I have recently become engrossed in Orthodox literature and enjoy reading about Sergius of Radonezh, works by Paisius Velichkovsky.

By the way, I have a dream that a monk from Mount Athos will set foot on Pridnestrovie's land.

How do you attend to a husband and a wife working together?

Negatively. If they work in a private company — that's all right, but they can't work together in governmental organisations. I think this is an inefficient system of administration. Besides, we appreciate our family relations too much to put them to additional tests. So we agreed from the very beginning: as soon as we got married, Nina would leave her post.

Do you appreciate this step of hers?

Absolutely! I know how difficult it was for my wife to make this step. After all she had built a team of professional, united by same values and ideas.

What's your attitude towards publicity? You are in the spotlight. Is it interfering with your personal life today?

Of course, I wish, as any other man, that there are fewer rumours about my personal life anywhere else, including the Internet. The personal life must remain personal. This is intimate. This is a certain microcosm. But in real life everything goes a bit otherwise.

Many are discussing your relations, and some are interpreting them as «a business deal». Could you tell us what have you found in your spouse? Why her?

What deal are you talking about? (frowning) This decision is taken at heart. My wife is a beautiful and clever woman!

What would you wish to those who are marrying today?

Understand each other, hear each other, feel each other and trust each other. I sometimes find we even think in the same way in some situations. It costs a good deal!


Nina Shevchuk on her spouse: «Highly spiritual, hence very strong …»

Mrs Shevchuk, you have recently written social networks you celebrated your wedding at home, in Pridnestrovie. Will you open a veil of secrecy …

There is no secrecy. We planned it from the very beginning to celebrate at home, in the company of our loved ones. Last Friday, 18 September, our marriage was registered at Rybnitsa's Civil Registry Office. The wedding ceremony took place at a village church in Kamenka district. This is a remarkably picturesque prayed-in place The one, you know, you always want to return to and where you are feeling quite special … Only our loved ones were present at the ceremony. In the evening we were congratulated by our close friends and relatives. We decided to avoid holding puffy celebrations with hundreds of gusts. We wanted some home comforts. This is what both of us so often lack for. This is due to our work. (smiling)

We have been expecting wedding photos in social networks where you are traditionally active. But you have disappointed internet users and haven't posted any. Why?

I think, for the same reason. This is very personal. You see, the people who by virtue of their profession is always in the spotlight tend to specially appreciate such personal instances. But I promise to think over your proposal. I may post some (laughing).

When commenting on a scheduled marriage for our newspaper, Yevgeny Shevchuk said there would be no honeymoon voyage. Have you not made him changed his mind?

I haven't even tried. My husband has no such an opportunity. It is not on his working timetable which is scheduled for the months ahead. When possible, we are spending evenings and weekends together.

When possible? Are you talking about it so easily?

Believe me, I do know the value of moments spent with your loved ones in evenings. They are as valuable as a holiday spent together. We have worked together for many years. And barely could my working timetable be deemed normal a little while since. Coming home when everyone is already asleep, early getting up when you hurry to work after a fast snack, frequent departures, business trips and working on public holidays … My relatives used to take it easy and sympathetically, although they wished everything were as it is in normal families. And now I am telling you easily that there is no place for honeymoon in our plans.

This is unusual. By the way, the format of proposing was also extraordinary. Rarely can you hear anything like that live during a news conference.

Yes, I think you are right (laughing). I reveal a secret. The proposal was made much earlier and was very romantic. But he was very busy with work, and it was very difficult to find time for it in the working timetable. And at the news conference my husband, a fiancé at that moment, made it officially.

After the wedding you mentioned you are happy. Are you really a happy person?


What is the secret of your happiness?

No secret, but there is a very simple formula of my happiness. To be happy, you should make other people happy. You should be merciful, sympathise with other people's misfortunes and troubles and try to help. Kindness make people happy. And you should work more. I am sure that the reason of melancholy often lies in boredom. And what is essential for happiness is love. Love for parents, children and relatives, Motherland, life… I love and am loved. My loved ones are safe and sound. What else shall I need to be happy?

What does family mean for you?

This is a token. A safeguard. This is my small and at the same time big world. It is small as it is hidden from other people's eyes. It is big because I am free and protected here.

What are you plans as first lady? You are an experienced politician. You may use your new status to address social issues, to launch benefit projects, to develop education and carry out other activities where you may apply your international ties.

It is early to talk about it so far. It was difficult to leave the MFA staff. Over these four years they have become my second family, and the ministry my second home, which is no wonder as I spent much more time at work than at home. I will miss my colleagues and the work I love. There is one thing I know for sure: I will not give too much rest to my skills and knowledge. But it is too early now to speak about social and political plans. I have to master the new responsible assignment — the Shevchuks' minister of home affairs (laughing).

What attracts you most of all in your husband?

Reliable, diligent, resolute, highly spiritual, hence very strong …

Could you describe the ideal man?

I have just done it (laughing). It is my husband.

Source: Pridnestrovie daily, 26.09.15


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