Svetlana Turchak: new textbooks will modernise and enhance the educational process

09/17/15 14:27

Svetlana Turchak: new textbooks will modernise and enhance the educational process

By 1 September all Russian-language schools of the republic had been supplied with new textbooks through Russia's humanitarian project
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Thai year Russia has supplied Pridnestrovie's Russian-language schools with new sets of latest generation textbooks for all grades. This is over half a million books, designed to meet all sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements for contents and design.

According to the deputy education minister, Svetlana Turchak, the new textbooks will modernise and enhance the educational process.

«Publishers has provided every textbook with teacher's guides: lesson plans for each grade and on each subject. These guides are available on the website of the Pridnestrovian Institute of Education Development," said the deputy minister on Pridnestrovie's First Channel.

Prior to this large scale textbook replacement, the majority of textbook stock was highly worn-out. So, in Russian-language schools there were only 30 percent of new books, in Moldavian-language schools there were 37 percent, and there were 43 percent of new books in Ukrainian-language schools.

Svetlana Turchak notes that now these latest generation textbooks have given a boost to Pridnestrovie's educational system.

«The new books are well elaborated as for their design and contents. They have been approved by Russia's ministry of science and education, have gone through numerous expert reviews of Russia's Academy of Education and Academy of Science and is on the federal list of Russian textbooks," said the deputy minister.

Although Russia has already adopted new educational standards for the secondary school (5−9 grades), the Education Ministry expresses confidence that Pridnestrovian teachers will have no difficulties with teaching pupils using the new textbooks.

«Our primary school has only adopted new standards. These textbooks will be the platform for us to implement new standards in the secondary and high school. There is no principal difference in contents between the textbooks we used to work with and those we have just received. But there are methodological innovations: a lot of project activities and independent work," said Svetlana Turchak, adding that prompting letters were elaborated for every subject to help teachers in their work.

It should also be noted that the president has made a decision not to collect payment for using these books.

«Parents should not worry: there is no rental fee for all the books received through the humanitarian project," said Svetlana Turchak.


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