Nina Shtanski: Pridnestrovie may start introducing retaliatory measures towards Moldova to protect Pridnestrovie's car owners

09/10/15 15:31

Nina Shtanski: Pridnestrovie may start introducing retaliatory measures towards Moldova to protect Pridnestrovie's car owners

This is what Pridnestrovie's chief negotiator, Nina Shtanski, said following a meeting with her Moldovan colleague, Victor Osipov, at Tiraspol's office of the OSCE mission

A ban on the movement of vehicles registered in Pridnestrovie through the Moldo-Ukrainian border imposed by Moldova has become a key issue of today's meeting of the negotiators.

According to Nina Shtanski, such activities by Moldova are signalling «about another change of approaches and implying the destruction of the current status quo under the conflict on the whole.»

«We are told this measure is not new but the implementation of the decision which was taken back in 2009 and due to some reasons was not in effect for over five years. This is a very strange approach, taking into account we have recently managed to agree on some spheres of cooperation concerning transportation and car insurance, in particular. Besides, the Moldovan party has officially stated such activities are exceptionally unilateral decision by Moldova's authorities, which in no way has anything in common with demands of any other party," said the Pridnestrovian diplomat.

Victor Osipov, in his turn, said that the discriminatory measure in relation to Pridnestrovie's car owners is «a reality», arising out of «Pridnestrovie's non-recognised status.» Does it mean Moldova actually recognised us in those years when there were no problems with the movement of the vehicles registered in Pridnestrovie?

«In compliance with the domestic legislation and international obligations, Moldova's international checkpoints cannot pass the vehicles registered in non-recognised regions. There has been a deviation from the rule since 2010 on. What has happened now is the internal directive of Moldova's border police which simply restores this rule. There is nothing new in it, though we realise this 'surprise' is not pleasant," said Osipov.

However, he accidentally said that owners of such cars do not pay necessary duties in Moldova, but in Pridnestrovie where they are registered.

The outcome of the meeting has showed Moldova will so far delay the solution of this issue.

«Of course, we are calling on our Moldovan partners to abolish this decision as unreasoned, illogic, going counter to the priorities we have determined in the negotiation process," said Nina Shtanski.

In the current situation Pridnestrovie is likely to introduce retaliatory measures «to protect Pridnestrovie's car owners.»

«I can hardly imagine how Moldova's authorities are going to explain Pridnestrovie's countermeasures to thousands of Moldovan drivers in case Moldovan car owners' freedom of movement is violated as a result of such unreasonable policy of some Moldovan officials. In all probability, Moldova's internal political crisis will be exerting direct negative influence on the negotiations for some time," concluded Nina Shtanski.


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