Most of districts can cover no more than a half of their expenses

07/21/15 11:48

Most of districts can cover no more than a half of their expenses

The finance minister, Yelena Girzhul, commented on the economic situation in Pridnestrovie

According to Pridenstrovie's finance minister, Yelena Girzhul, most of districts cannot cover their expenses on their own. In the first half of 2015, all districts except the cities of Tiraspol, Bendery and Dnestrovsk have received republican transfers. The Rybnitsa district has received only one transfer and now is handling its expenses on its own.

«Most of districts can provide themselves at less than a half. By the example of the Dubossary district we can see that over the past six months only 53.5 million roubles has been collected there. At the same time 174 million roubles has been expanded to cover the needs of the district and the city. Thus, the district can cover only 30% of its expenses. The rest of funds come from other cities," said Yelena Girzhul.

The minister believes the financial capacity of regional budgets has reached a critical level. According to her, the republican budget is no longer able to help districts.

«The republican budget cannot fully cover its own expenses, which results in the partial payment of wages and pensions. If we continued to pay wages and pensions in full, the sum of transfers we can allocate to districts would not be sufficient," said Yelena Girzhul.


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