PRB approves tariffs for banks participating in National Payment System

07/17/15 17:14

PRB approves tariffs for banks participating in National Payment System

The central bank has approved the tariff for processing payment operations at the rate of 0.15%. The NPS operator will not charge a commission for cash issue

The Pridnestrovian Republican Bank has approved the national payment system tariffs. The document determines the list and cost of services which the regulator provides to the banks participating in the NPS within the framework of interbank processing and clearing, as well as cashless settlements on the basis of NPS cards.

It is stated that the approved tariffs «do not affect the internal tariff policy which participating banks pursue towards their clients.»

According to the tariffs, all banks that will join the NPS as emitters (issuing plastic cards) or acquirers (acquiring plastic cards) before 2016 are exempt from the payment of the entrance fee. At the same time, since 1 January 2016 the NFS operator and processing centre will collect monthly payments from the participating banks for authorisation services at the rate of 5,000 roubles.

The processing of basic operations within the NPS — payment for goods and services with NPS cards — will cost the acquirer bank 0.15% of the transaction amount. The regulator will not charge a commission on the NPS issuing banks for cash issue.

At the same time, since 2016 monthly licence dues will be imposed on each active card issued by the NPS participant. In the event the overall emission does not exceed 10,000 cards, the licence fee will cost the issuing bank 1.5 roubles for a card; if the bank issues from 10,000 to 50,000 cards, the licence fee will be 1.25 roubles; if the emission exceeds 50,000 cards, the fee will be 1 rouble.

Pridnestrovie's national payment system that uses the Russian payment application PRO100 has been operating in the republic since 1 July 2015. All Pridnestrovian banks except Agroprombank have agreed to join the NPS, although only Eximbank issues plastic cards today. According to PRB spokespersons, the NPS participants may issue 300,000 cards by 2023.

By 2016 all trading organisations whose selling space exceeds 50 square metres or whose annual retail turnover exceeds 6 million roubles are obliged to install POS terminals for paying purchases with NPS cards.


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