The head of the foreign policy department noted that, throughout the history, Pridnestrovie could always count on support of the Russian Federation. «Being in difficult political and economic conditions, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic has always relied on support of Russia, on its protection and eagerness to preserve peace on the earth," Nina Shtanski told.
«Russia, beyond all doubt, possesses a key role in stability maintenance in Pridnestrovie and in all region. A Russian soldier has been and is still remaining a symbol of peace. We highly appreciate a contribution of Russia to the rights, freedoms and lives of the republic's people and the Russian troops possess a highest-ever level of Pridnestrovie's people credibility," the diplomat noted.
Nina Shtanski emphasized in addition that the peacekeeping and security tasks performed by the OGRF are still important so far.
«Great things are better seen from a distance. Due to all these facts, today, after 20 years, when the political tension increases again, the Russian military contingent presence on the Dniester is especially important. The OGRF contribution to the maintenance of always high training level of the Russian peacekeeping military contingent and also to its timely rotation plays an important role for the peacekeeping operation efficiency and deserves deep respect," the minister told.