Tatyana Turanskaya: Government doesn't have full powers to fulfill all tasks committed to it

05/20/15 12:52

Tatyana Turanskaya: Government doesn't have full powers to fulfill all tasks committed to it

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During the report on the Pridnestrovie's Government performance and the social and economic development results of 2014, the Prime Minister complained about the executive body's powers limitation in fulfillment of the functions and implementation of capacities in finding of additional revenue to the budget.

In order to receive additional instruments to exercise all functions last year the Government brought in a number of legislative initiatives in the field of salaries and emoluments for state employees, property management, tax policy, price and tariff controls, antimonopoly policy.

«Adoption of these bills may improve efficiency of public administration in the today's difficult situation," Tatyana Turanskaya commented on the deputies' decision concerning the dismissal of the executive body's initiatives.

She also noted that many of these initiatives were based on conclusions and offers of the international experts.

The Head of the Government gave the Tax and Budget Midterm Policy Concept considered by the Supreme Council twice as an example. Transition to classical tax system (the VAT, the income tax, the property tax), which was introduced in the bill, is to decrease fiscal burden for the real economy and to raise funding for renovation and reconstruction of housing and utilities infrastructure.

«This project, as well as some others, wasn't accepted by the Pridnestrovie's Supreme Council," the Head of the Government reminded.

At the same time, the economic analysis made by the international experts revealed double decrease of the fiscal burden imposed on the Pridnestrovie's GDP in the last 5 years, i.e. to 5.1%. The analytical report, carrying the recommendations on transition to the classical tax system, was sent both to the Government and to the Supreme Council. This fact was confirmed by the speaker of parliament Mikhail Burla during the session.

In 2014, the Supreme Council also dismissed a number of government initiatives on the domestic market protection and on the expansion of domestic production range at the republic's retailers.

«Further, we will continue working out the measures aimed to support the domestic producers, including the small and medium business enterprises," Tatyana Turanskaya emphasized.


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