Pridnestrovie's President noted that discriminatory restrictions had been imposed on the Pridnestrovie's economic agents since 2006, however, since 2014, Ukraine de facto introduced the sanctions. According to Yevgeny Shevchuk, if the events follow such plan further, the humanitarian disaster will be highly possible.
«It seems that some groups in Kiev and in Kishinev think that it is time to force Pridnestrovie to change the line of policy. They impose the economic conditions which could influence our political decisions. We described the situation to all guarantor states but the facts show that the participants of the negotiation process take the situation differently», the Pridnestrovie's President told.
Yevgeny Shevchuk noted that, unlike all other participants of negotiation process, only the Russian Federation continues to carry out the obligations as the guarantor state and tries to prevent drop in the living standards of the republic's citizens.
The Head of State asked the people of Pridnestrovie to keep patience and to consolidate against all temporary difficulties.