Supreme Council disapproves government's anti-crisis package

04/22/15 13:33

Supreme Council disapproves government's anti-crisis package

The bill was aimed at minimising negative impacts on the Pridnestrovian economy

During the regular plenary session of the Supreme Council MPs rejected by a majority the government's draft law «On some extra government measures aimed at minimising negative impact of economic factors».

The initiative included the whole complex of anti-crisis measures, including financial and building amnesty, tax incentives and tariff breaks, anti-offshore measures, as well as the possibility of establishing external control of enterprises that have performed massive layoffs.

According to the first deputy chairwoman of the government, Maya Parnas, «when drafting the law, the government proceeded from the assumption that the 2015 budget had been approved with unsecured deficit of 500 million roubles.» She also noted that the budget deficit had been increasing and amounting to 900 million roubles in lost revenues.

«This package includes both administrative and incentive measures and is aimed at increasing budget revenues," said Maya Parnas.

The most intense discussion was provoked by the provision on external control of crisis enterprises where massive layoffs have been carried out.

«The crisis situation means failure to pay wages to employees for more than 3 months and layoff of at least 20% of workforce," said Maya Parnas. «This norm (introduction of external control, ed.) does not provide passing of property.»

Despite the proposal of some MPs and government members to approve the draft law in the first reading and amend it by the second, the majority of MPs rejected the bill.


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