RISS Dnister-Prut Centre opened in Pridnestrovie a year ago

03/11/15 15:14

RISS Dnister-Prut Centre opened in Pridnestrovie a year ago

The Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (RISS) centre in Pridnestrovie is the first experience for the Institute's representative office towards broadening its own functions - it implements socio-economic projects in the territory of the republic besides its standard research and information tasks

In the past year, the RISS Dnister-Prut centre (RISS DPC) has organised and held more than 20 different socio-economic and research events. Thus, the Voluntary Association for Assistance to Army, Aviation and Fleet (DOSAAF) was recreated in Pridnestrovie by the RISS DPC in March, 2014. With the support of the RISS DPC, Pridnestrovie's DOSAAF signed with its Russian counterpart a cooperation and coordination agreement. Within the framework of this agreement, several karts were donated to Pridnestrovie by Russia's DOSAAF; provisions on the establishment of sports federations cultivated by the DOSAAF were drafted.

The youth movement Zvezda (Star) was established under the aegis of the RISS DPC, which has undertaken the interaction with Pridnestrovie's young generation. Under the auspices of the RISS DPC, Zvezda members visited Russia's major youth forums - Seliger-2014 and Tavrida-2014. The movement takes active part in sportive and social life of the republic. Another important joint project of Zvezda and Pridnestrovie's DOSAAF is popularisation of the GTO standards among the Pridnestrovians.

Pridnestrovie's government working group involving the RISS DPC and representatives of Russia's Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute drafted social catering standards, providing for more balanced and better diet with significant savings in costs. The programme joined into force on 1 September 2014.

Besides, 30 Pridnestrovian children visited the All-Russian Children's Centre "Orlyonok", where they participated in a thematic shift on patriotic education of the rising generation. The visit was organised by the RISS Dnister-Prut Centre. The children who went to the “Orlyonok” children's centre had become winners of the Russian Patriots contest held by the RISS DPC and Pridnestrovie's Education Ministry in the period of May-September, 2014.
In October the RISS DPC organised and held a football tournament for Pridnestrovian amateur teams - Spartak Legends. More than 200 players took part in the tournament. The honoured guests of the tournament were Spartak Moscow legendary players and coaches - Oleg Romantsev and Vagiz Khidiyatulin.

In early autumn, the centre held a scientific conference dedicated to the 70-th anniversary of the Iasi-Kishinev Offensive. More than 20 famous historians, WWII experts, took part in the conference.

The RISS DPC pays great attention to sharing experiences with Pridnestrovie's young scientists. Thus, in 2014 the School for Young Political Scientists was held, which enabled Pridnestrovian experts to visit Moscow where a number of lectures and teaching seminars were organised for them in the RISS head office.

Besides, the RISS DPC with the support of Pridnestrovie's Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a number of social, scientific and charitable projects.

"The work we have done in the past year was, in my opinion, efficient, the main criterion being Pridnestrovians' positive feedback on our specific steps aimed at enhancing their life in different spheres. I should like to note this would have been impossible to achieve but for our collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as other ministries and agencies. That collaboration has also continued into this year. Difficult economic and geopolitical situation in the region has become an additional motive for us in our work," said Sergey Mokshantsev, director of the RISS Dnister-Prut Centre.