Evgeny Shevchuk: We encounter the global dangers

03/11/15 12:43

Evgeny Shevchuk: We encounter the global dangers

According to the Head of State, the economic difficulties are caused by the politically motivated decisions

The Pridnestrovie's President Evgeny Shevchuk noted during the Supreme Council's session that the Pridnestrovie's economic activities constantly are under risks of not economic artificially created circumstances".

"We encounter the difficulties caused by the politically motivated decisions, that's why there are certain reasons and grounds for the general stagnation of business activity in the CIS territory," Evgeny Shevchuk expressed his opinion.

According to the Head of State, there won't be former conditions for the Pridnetrovie's economy due to the external factors caused, first of all, by the European integration ambitions of the neighboring states, i.e. Ukraine and Moldova.

"We encounter the global dangers standing beyond the issues concerning the reduction of salaries and pensions," the President emphasized.

Now, the Government makes steps to revive the enterprises. "We expect that these measures will be effective, but everything depends on the situation," the President added.

Evgeny Shevchuk also noted that the state hasn't any crisis recovery offers corresponding to the existing risks and resources today. Also, the crisis recovery prospects would be much darker in condition of national currency devaluation, according to the President.

"If we start devaluating the ruble, we will have problems with the money withdrawal from the deposits and with the increase in prices," the Head of State emphasized.

There is no demand growth in the traditional foreign markets for the Pridnestrovie's goods today that causes the state revenue contraction, according to Evgeny Shevchuk.

The President also emphasized that the financial crisis of 2008 had only economic reasons while the today's situation is caused by the economic as well as the political factors.

"The crisis can result in the revision of all Pridnestrovie's economy foundations," Evgeny Shevchuk summarized.


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