This concept was built up by the Energy, Housing and Utilities State Service last year
The department's head Vasily Vlasov told about it at the collegium of the Energy, Housing and Utilities State Service. The Pridnestrovie's President Evgeny Shevchuk, the Prime Minister Tatyana Turanskaya, and also the heads of the republic's ministries and departments also participated in the reporting collegium.
As Vasily Vlasov noted, according to the Pridnestrovie's Energy Security Concept, the investments of about 1.3 billion Pridnestrovie's rubles are required to provide the modern housing and utilities infrastructure with the alternative heat supply system covering the needs for heating energy entirely.
"Consequently, during the implementation of the heatsupplying enterprises' investment programs, much attention is paid to the heating sources reconstruction with the energy-saving equipment which can use the alternative fuel," the head of the relevant state service noted.
According to him, the housing and utilities sector often faces severe criticism caused by the strong degradation of the utility infrastructure, by the deterioration of the buildings and constructions, the equipment and networks of the housing and utility enterprises. That is why the activity of the Energy, Housing and Utilities State Service in 2015 will be aimed at the elaboration of regulations, state programs and measures in the relevant spheres in order to increase the energy resources efficiency, to upgrade the energy supplying facilities and housing and utilities infrastructure and to provide the reliable power supply for the consumers.
"Total amount of the investment programs is 152 million 965 thousand rubles. The investment programs of the Dnestrenergo, the Uniform Power Distribution Network, and the Tirasteploenergo were adjusted for the reduction including the priority measures providing the reliable functioning of the power networks and equipment. Total money needed for the priority measures within the revised investment programs is 61 million 795 thousand rubles," Vasily Vlasov emphasized.
The republic's power enterprises suffer the funds deficiency. One of the reasons is the low payment for energy by the state organizations. According to the state service's head, it makes impossible for the enterprises to invest in the manufacturing upgrade.
"According to the results of the analysis concerning budgetary organizations' energy consumption in 2014, there is a small percent of the budgetary consumers exceeding the limits of the energy consumption. As a result, it causes the unreasonable growth of the credit debts. The lack of the proper control for the rational energy use by the budgetary consumers is the main overlimit reason," Vasily Vlasov stated.