Pridnestrovie's experts: State should support the domestic manufacturers by protecting customs duties

02/24/15 22:33

Pridnestrovie's experts: State should support the domestic manufacturers by protecting customs duties

According to the director of the Odema garment factory Raisa Haylova, the state should take measures to restrict consumer goods imports to the republic due to the current difficult problems

"Today for work of light industry it is necessary to impose an import ban on the garments which could be fabricated by the republic's enterprises, so we shouldn't deliver these goods from Ukraine, Moldova, from anywhere. The protecting duties must be introduced," Raisa Haylova emphasized during the live program of the Pridnestrovie's First Channel.

According to her, for example, the Pridnestrovie's light industry enterprises can provide the state and municipal enterprises with special clothing, they also can make school uniform.

"We can provide it. It means that we have to buy only raw materials; the workers will have a job and will get paid. We will pay taxes, so the most part of money will remain in the republic," the Odema's director considers.

According to the chairman of he Supreme Council's Committee on the Development of Industry, Small and Medium business Victor Guzun, the introduction of protecting duties is an important step not only for today.

"These steps had to be taken a few years ago. When we speak about crisis, we should understand that our economy has been developed in such conditions for a long time. The state hasn't enough money. The enterprise activity is rather low in our republic, and the number of enterprises isn't enough to provide all necessary requirements," Victor Guzun told.

At the same time, a small number of entrepreneurs have business in the real economy of the republic, i.e. there are about 4 employees in the public sector and representatives of the vulnerable groups for one person in the real economy.

"It means that we should choose the way of development for ourselves, i.e. either we cut down all the expenses, or we increase and develop the tax base. It is important to do everything to increase the number of businessmen and enterprises in the republic. It is necessary to create conditions for the expansion in the number of taxpayers," Victor Guzun summarized.


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