It's less by one half than the state treasury revenue during the same period of the last year
As the Finance Minister Elena Girzhul noted at the Government's session, the budget shortfalls affect the promptitude in social payments.
"We will be short of 57 million rubles only to meet the minimum expenditures necessary for the payment of salaries, pensions and allowances by the end of the month. This sum will have a negative impact on the salary payments. According to our forecasts, if the situation with the budget revenue doesn't change, the part of the January wages, that is due in February, will be paid in March. Accordingly, the February wages will be paid even later," Elena Girzhul commented.
According to her, only the half of wages has been paid at the overall republican and local budget levels by now.
"Today, the republican budget has some arrears in vulnerable sectors including the salaries. The arrears amount to 119 million 500 thousand rubles," the Finance Minister noted.
According to the current revenues and to the expert forecasts, the shortfalls will be 900 million rubles in the republican budget's social programs and in the Unified State Social Insurance Fund budget for 2015 if the situation doesn't go from the bad to the worse.
"This statistic shows that it is necessary to take full responsibility for the made solutions," the Prime Minister Tatyana Turanskaya concluded.