The head of the Economic Development Ministry: The Government's anti-crisis plan is almost ready

02/13/15 22:17

The head of the Economic Development Ministry: The Government's anti-crisis plan is almost ready

According to Alevtina Slinchenko, the worst-case scenario for the industrial production came true in January of this year. The manufacturing has decreased by 18% compared with the level of the same period in 2014

The Pridnestrovie's economy started suffering from the negative factors developing in Ukraine and Moldova at the beginning of April, 2014. Both the export and the import were gradually reducing.

"We noted considerable recession in the industrial production In September, and we observed it over the second half of 2014. January, 2015 shows the decline in the industrial outputs by 18% as compared with January, 2014," Alevtina Slinchenko reported during the live program of the Pridnestrovie's First Channel.

The Pridnestrovie's Government started to take measures aimed to stabilize the economy in the negative conditions of the spring, 2014.

"The tax and expenditure policy perspective, together with the legislative package was submitted for the Supreme Council's consideration. Besides, we've worked out the agriculture and industry development concept. The most part of these laws were aimed to support the domestic goods at the home market. At the last session, we suggested such measures for the import substitution plan to saturate our stores with the domestic production. Unfortunately, our initiatives get response and understanding in the Supreme Council not always," the head of the Economic Development Ministry emphasized.

At the same time, the ministry held the roundtables with the major manufacturers, visited the enterprises underpaying the taxes and examined the offers concerning the anti-crisis program.

According to Alevtina Slinchenko, the Government's anti-crisis plan is almost ready.

"Unfortunately, the republic hasn't any large financial opportunities. We tried to take into account the real state resources. We have high potential. It is important to make plans following the import substitution program, so the anti-crisis plans are aimed at this. It is important to monitor the customs duties in order that that the goods produced today could compete at the domestic market," the head of the Economic Development Ministry noted.

There are also the tax amnesty and the privileges for the enterprises establishing new production and jobs in the anti-crisis measures list offered by the Government. The agricultural sector development is also the priority.

"These are the measures we can take today, and these measures have to take certain effect and stabilize economy," the Economic Development Minister considers.