Pridnestrovie's reputation has become more positive in the recent years

02/10/15 12:14

Pridnestrovie's reputation has become more positive in the recent years

The head of the foreign policy department Nina Shtanski told it on the air of Radio-1

She noted concerning the reputation of our republic made by the foreign mass media that the number of slime about Pridnestrovie decreased as compared to the situation of 5−7 years ago. «However, we have also changed. We stopped sustaining an image of the besieged fortress, so the media discourse a little bit changed to the better," told the Deputy Prime Minister on the International Cooperation.

She noted that comparison between the breakaway republics in the Southeast of Ukraine (DNR and LNR) and Pridnestrovie is inappropriate. «Pridnestrovie is a well-established state which can wage a contest in a number of aspects with many countries of the UN," Nina Shtanski emphasized.