The Pridnestrovie’s current economic situation was discussed in the Government

12/15/14 16:55

The Pridnestrovie’s current economic situation was discussed in the Government

It was reported that the Government had submitted and passed the draft budget for 2015 and the target period of 2016-2017 in the first reading last week

“We submitted the republic’s main financial document including the refined income and expenditure criteria. It was offered to reduce the budget as the shortfalls in both direct and indirect taxes were expected. Besides, we proposed to reflect the amount of utility debts and the tariff difference in the budget for the first time,” the Prime Minister noted.

Also, Tatyana Turanskaya emphasized that the work on the budget continues, and she aimed the Government members at the intent and responsible approach.

Then the Prime Minister focused on the current economic situation in the republic. So, the budget was executed by about 82% in November. First of all, the ongoing negative factors’ influence on the Pridnestrovian enterprises’ foreign economic activity caused the reduction of budget revenue.

According to the Economic Development Minister Alevtina Slinchenko, the deflation by 0.07% was recorded in November, thus the prices of food products increased by only 0.05%, utility rates - by 0.22%, and the prices in nonfood segment decreased by 0.36%.

As the Government’s Press Service reports, the inflation index has approached to 1.09% after 11 months. For example, the level of the summary consumer price index has made 3.9% in Moldova in 11 months this year, it’s equal to 21.2% in Ukraine, and in Russia – 8.5%.

The foreign trade turnover level of November was reduced to 78.8% against the same period of the last year. The Reduction was more than 21%. Thus, the imports and exports decrease is observed. According to Alevtina Slinchenko, the decrease of the real GDP level is expected at the end of the year as a result of the industry’s income drops.

Also, the question concerning the activity of the state enterprises was discussed at the meeting. The Economic Development Ministry was assigned to develop the estimation criteria of these enterprises’ business activity level.

“We are working on the criteria concerning administrative efficiency in the expenditure decrease and output increase, in the production distribution, in the tax revenues increase, and efficiency in the social policy of these enterprises,” the Economic Development Minister resumed. The information gathered during a year will be submitted by the Government.

During the session Tatyana Turanskaya paid attention to the tender campaigns presentation so that the domestic manufacturers wanted to participate in them.

Further the representatives of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Ministry reported the results of veterinary and phytosanitary service reorganization and the cooperation with the Russian Federation representatives within the signed memoranda.

“We have established the list of important steps for constructing the laboratories and providing them with the necessary equipment together with our colleagues. Also there is a question of the employees’ skills development for operating this equipment,” Andrey Kirsta added. According to him, such laboratories will allow the Pridnestrovian manufacturers to receive here the license for their production export.

Also, the Agriculture Ministry prepared a number of regulatory changes concerning the ownership contributions and share fund. They will be submitted at the Government session for making a joint decision on the existing legislation changes. Andrey Kirsta noted that still there were questions concerning the inclusion of the state farm workers into these lists.

The Prime Minister assigned a number of tasks to the attendees at the end.


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