Main news

05/13/15 15:51
Today, Supreme Council passed a bill providing creation of free economic zones for IT and tourism in final reading
05/09/15 12:23
Traditionally, the celebrations began with a rally and a wreath-laying ceremony at the Glory Memorial
05/08/15 20:30
The official Kishinev's representatives have not named an insurance company which is to sign a joint document
05/06/15 13:23
Memorial complex at the city entrance commemorates the events of 1992, and also all battles of the latest centuries
04/30/15 11:59
President Yevgeny Shevchuk told about it on the air of Radio-1
04/28/15 17:20
A relevant draft decree was approved at the Government session today.
04/28/15 17:01
For this to be done, the committee has revised some provisions of the legal and regulatory framework.
04/27/15 21:48
Government signs an agreement on state support
04/22/15 22:02
The Committee of State Security (KGB) has ascertained that members of the organisation collaborated with the Romanian intelligence
04/22/15 21:20
Instruments of contradiction elimination are, certainly, honest and open dialogue
04/22/15 13:33
The bill was aimed at minimising negative impacts on the Pridnestrovian economy