Main news

04/08/16 14:25
It is supposed to allow legal entities to keep foreign currency on their non-cash accounts with Pridnestrovian banks
04/08/16 13:07
This measure is aimed at minimising the consequences of foreign exchange turmoil
04/08/16 11:28
The opportunity of receiving Russia's assistance is also being considered
04/05/16 20:39
In response to numerous questions the government's press service has released a statement to the citizens of Pridnestrovie
04/05/16 14:22
According to the president, the 2015 salary arrears may be repaid in April-May
04/05/16 13:00
According to the PRB expert, borrowing such amounts will not handle currency shortage
04/04/16 13:57
The Russian diplomat believes that Kiev abuses its role of a guarantor in the Moldo-Pridnestrovian settlement
04/04/16 13:48
Russia's foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, commented on the results of his meeting with the minister of foreign affairs and European reintegration of Moldova, vice premier Andrei Galbur
04/02/16 18:45
It is said in the comment by the Information and Press Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry following the visit to Russia of the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the European Integration of the RM Andrey Galbur
03/30/16 17:53
Moldova's vice premier is confident that the citizens of the PMR will gladly refuse their statehood to join a successful and prosperous Moldova
03/28/16 18:58
According to the decree, economic agents are liable for selling 7% of the total foreign currency revenue to the Central Bank
03/25/16 15:49
It was proposed to set the corridor of fluctuations of the Pridnestrovian rouble to the US dollar at 12.25-12.75 roubles per $1
03/25/16 12:47
Relevant agreements reached at the meeting between Pridnestrovie's government delegation and interdepartmental working group of the Russian Government