On the eve of the Republic Day, a number of employees of the Presidential Administration of the PMR were awarded state awards

08/27/19 12:03

On the eve of the Republic Day, a number of employees of the Presidential Administration of the PMR were awarded state awards

Rewarding ceremony for distinguished employees was held at the Presidential Executive Office. Congratulating the team on the upcoming holidays - the 29th anniversary of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic and the Day of Knowledge, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that these holidays are harmoniously connected. “A new school year and the birthday of our state are coming. Pridnestrovie has been established for 29 years. This is recognized by everyone. The most important thing is that the Pridnestrovian people live here, and the leadership of the republic, employees of state authorities and administrations should do everything possible so that Pridnestrovie is comfortable, beautiful, economically self-sufficient, socially fair for our people”, the President emphasized.

Vadim Krasnoselsky said that our country is admirable, and modern transformation makes it even more beautiful and attractive. “I’m sure that everything we do today should have been done yesterday or even the day before yesterday. Let me give you an example of what it means yesterday. In the village of Malaeshty there is a House of Culture - a beautiful building, in which more than a hundred children and adults are engaged. There is no heating in the building, the roof is leaky. When to do this? Now the building is being renovated, but why was the House of Culture in such a state? It turned out that in 1987 the heating system was broken, and all work was postponed until later. There was the collapse of the Soviet Union, then our republic lived in difficult conditions. Tomorrow the building will be demolished, and the village will be left without the House of Culture. In the same situation, many objects of health care, education, and sport may be. When later? When will everything turn into ruins? It is unacceptable. Each of us, depending on our position, should do everything possible to improve the life of every person, collective and state as a whole”, said the President. He noted the contribution of the Administration staff to the development of the republic, thanked for fruitful work, responsible attitude to work, wished them health, prosperity and further success.


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