The President visited the Severny microdistrict of Bendery

04/22/19 17:53

The President visited the Severny microdistrict of Bendery

Work on the formation of capital investment program is ongoing. The condition and demand of each potential participant is estimated. The President personally visits many objects declared to be in need of repair and reconstruction at the expense of the capital investment fund. Today, the President visited the Severny microdistrict of Bendery. Socially important institutions are compactly located here. Most require financial investments.

Secondary school №17 in Bendery has been functioning for almost forty years. Today, about two hundred children study in 11 classes, told Vadim Krasnoselsky. We proudly demonstrated the renovated conference room, highlighting the modern multimedia equipment that allows us to conduct conferences and presentations. A few years ago, the windows and doors were replaced, roof in the school was renewed. The problem is the heating system and exhaust ventilation. The facade of the building, the gym and the changing rooms need repairs. Renovation and new seats needed in the assembly hall. Catering unit requires attention. Vadim Krasnoselsky, having examined the school, confirmed the expediency of including it in the capital investment program. The President asked about the state of the school stadium. It turned out that there is something to work on. The situation is not catastrophic, said Vadim Krasnoselsky, but nonetheless requiring consideration. The President instructed the Head of administration to take personal control of bringing the sports facility in order. It is necessary to equip playgrounds for workout and volleyball, to restore the fence, to provide lighting. Stone bases under the benches for fans will be partially dismantled. A part that is necessary to meet the school-sports needs will be restored. Vadim Krasnoselsky, noting the social importance of the object, emphasized that the restoration does not require enormous costs. The economic approach and constructive interaction of the state, city authorities and local deputies will allow solving the existing problems in the foreseeable future, the President noted.

The sports and complex next to the school stadium stands idle exactly a year. After inspecting the premises of the building, the President found them thoughtful and comfortable in terms of conducting classes. It turned out that the problem is in the roof. The architects at one time approached design creatively and installed window openings in the ceiling. That is, it’s not the roof itself that have a leak, but the joints of the glass with the roofing foundation. The President, noting that the negative impact of weather conditions will constantly require attention, called the ceiling windows an unnecessary luxury and ordered to replace the glass with a standard roofing material. As for the windows around the perimeter of the building, many of them are in disrepair, their over-glazing has already been planned, Roman Ivanchenko told Vadim Krasnoselsky. In the near future, on the instructions of the President, water and heating will be returned. Networks are replaced, but no one took up the connection, doubting the revival of the complex. The President took to carry out all the necessary work for three months. Not later than August 1, the gym equipped with new machines and tennis tables should receive visitors.

The Presidential Inspectorate was awaited with hope by the employees of the branch of the Palace of children’s and youth’s creativity located in the Severny microdistrict (there are six of them in Bendery). This institution is one of the most popular in the city. Attendance is twice more that design capacity (with a planned indicator of 85 students, 177 young people from Bendery are trained here in various directions). The neighborhood with the school saves the situation: in order to unload the classrooms of the Palace of children’s and youth’s creativity, teachers conduct some classes in the second half of the day in school premises. As for the building of the Palace of children’s and youth’s creativity, the entrance group must be updated. The scene requires attention, experts say it is instable. The instability is explained by the elementary unsuitability for performances, for example, of dancers: the hall was originally intended for watching movies. This is not considered the most serious problem here. The main thing asked by the staff of the Palace of children’s and youth’s creativity is the arrangement of toilet rooms on the first floor of the building (today they are only on the second floor). Vadim Krasnoselsky set a task for the Head of Bendery to carry out maximum possible amount of work by the city forces, otherwise the state will help at the expense of the capital investment fund. In addition, on the instructions of the President, law enforcement officers will pay special attention to cars that are systematically parked under the windows and doors of the Palace of children’s and youth’s creativity. Pupils and teachers should not make their way to the institution through vehicles parking, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized, noting that this is about the safety of children.

Infrastructure renewal is expected in the city kindergarten 26. The peculiarity of the preschool educational institution is that both Russians and Moldavian groups function in it. Totally 110 children attend kindergarten. Covering of playgrounds is also in an unsuitable state. The head and educators told the President that they were counting on repairing the facade of the building (built in 1971), replacing windows and doors, and repairing sewage and plumbing systems. Considering the forthcoming large-scale repair and construction work, Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended postponing for the time being the asphalting of the territory adjacent to the establishment. The President aimed at putting in order the playgrounds without delay. He drew attention to the lack of street lighting: lights around the perimeter of the kindergarten should also be installed in the near future.

Summing up the results of the inspection of social infrastructure objects of the Severny microdistrict of the city of Bendery, Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that all of them are actively visited by the citizens, and therefore must be brought in proper condition. “The program of capital investments should not be limited to the central areas of cities. It is important that it touches even distant from a central area corners of the republic. Cities and villages, central streets and distant lanes, large institutions and small compact establishments - all socially significant objects demanded by our citizens will be put in order. Yes, there is order of precedence. There are a lot of objects that require investment. The program will operate exactly as long as there is need for it,” concluded the President.


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