President: ‘We all know the price of peace’

08/07/18 14:53

President: ‘We all know the price of peace’

Vadim Krasnoselsky held a meeting with the heads of the representative offices of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Pridnestrovie

Tiraspol, 7 August. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The president met the heads of the representative offices of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Pridnestrovie. Tomorrow will mark the common sorrowful date for the two countries. On the night of 8 August 2008, Georgian troops attacked the South Ossetian region.  

The interlocutors discussed and analysed the current situation, outlined plans for further cooperation.  

Fighting for peace up in arms  

"The Pridnestrovian people know firsthand what the strive for independence means and what is a military aggression against the civilian population. Both you and we defended our right to self-determination with weapons. We all know the price of peace. Pridnestrovians share the pain of your losses," the president said in a conversation with Vitaly Yankovsky and Alexander Vataman.  

The minister of foreign affairs also expressed his condolences.  

"Tomorrow is the Day of Remembrance and Mourning, connected with the armed aggression of Georgia against the people of South Ossetia. The people of Pridnestrovie are empathising and mourning with the fraternal peoples. We want to share [the sorrow of] this day with you, taking part in mourning events," said Vitaly Ignatyev.  

Time-proved friendship  

The histories of the three countries are intertwined. The meeting participants noted the similarities of destinies and common interests, the significance of Russian involvement. They particularly focused on the great contribution of the Russian soldier to the preservation of peace. Remembering the events of 10 years ago, they noted that the Russian peacekeeping base suppressed the first blow and then ousted the Georgian aggressor from the South Ossetian land. They also touched upon today's pressure on Russian peacekeepers and the attempts to pull them out of Pridnestrovie.  

The tragic events are followed by the holidays. The interlocutors discussed preparation for the events timed to the Independence Day of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The corresponding invitations have been sent to the Pridnestrovian leadership. The countries mark the anniversary of their recognition by Russia on 26 August.  

The president noted the high level of inter-republican cooperation. Vadim Krasnoselsky thanked the interlocutors for the efforts aimed at activating and increasing contacts. It was noted that the issue of the representative office of Pridnestrovie in South Ossetia would be resolved in the near future.  

The official representative of South Ossetia in the PMR Vitaly Yankovsky expressed gratitude for the sympathy with the fate of the fraternal people. He noted that the Pridnestrovians are always near both in difficult moments and in moments of joy. The diplomat recalled four voluntary rescue teams that arrived in 2008 to South Ossetia from Pridnestrovie. About a hundred specialists helped to restore the destroyed Tskhinval. Vitaly Yankovsky spoke about plans to organise a meeting of the participants of this humanitarian mission.  

Abkhazian plenipotentiary Alexander Vataman noted the importance of a new friendship and cooperation agreement signed the presidents of the two countries. During the year the document has been substantiated with practical deeds. Joint work is conducted at the interdepartmental level. New contacts have been established in the spheres of education and legal proceedings. Economic interaction is important as it brings real benefits, the interlocutors noted. The number of prerequisites for further interaction is constantly increasing, the interlocutors noted and agreed to continue cooperation.  


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