Experts discuss issues of transport and road development

02/26/18 19:33

Experts discuss issues of transport and road development

The meeting of Pridnestrovian and Moldovan experts was held with the involvement of the chief negotiators

Tiraspol, February 26. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. A regular meeting of the expert (working) groups of Pridnestrovie and the Republic of Moldova on the development of transport and road facilities was held today in the Tiraspol office of the OSCE Mission with the participation of chief negotiators Vitaly Ignatyev and Cristina Lesnic.

According to the MFA's press service, the parties continued to discuss a wide range of issues relating to the development of a mechanism for the participation of Pridnestrovian vehicles in international road traffic.

"The discussion in this format will continue in the near future," said the Pridnestrovian foreign minister.


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