Pridnestrovie's pricing policy discussed at talk-show "On Air" of First Pridnestroviean TV channel

03/26/16 18:52

Pridnestrovie's pricing policy discussed at talk-show "On Air" of First Pridnestroviean TV channel

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Tiraspol, 26 March. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Talking about the current Pridnestrovie's pricing policy in relation to import products in, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Svetlana Klimenkova raised an issue concerning a so-called chain of switch dealers. According to her, businessmen importing goods to the PMR charge their prices by including the expenses on logistics, deliveries, customs duty payment and own percentage of profit. Then, they sell goods to other businessmen who also raise the price to get the profit, so that the price grows in chain order.

For example, purchase price of 1 kg of salt is 0.6 ruble (PRB). Customs cost amounts to 0.02 ruble, at the same time trade increment is 1.71 ruble.

«So here, it is correct to tell what the state has to make in order that the price wouldn't be dual or triple for the people," Svetlana Klimenkova emphasized.

The First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee supports adoption of the State Regulation of Prices Law which hasn't been passed by the MPs for the third year in a row.

«The prices are regulated in all states — it is normal. We have not such high standard of living. If the prices of socially important products, such as beet, carrots, apples, cabbage, potato, meat, were corrected by 30%, if the parliament adopted that law, then every pensioner would save 1 thousand rubles a year. It is a significant sum for a pensioner," Svetlana Klimenkova told.

The customs representative also noted that since the beginning of 2016 growth of the imported products had increased by 8% in comparison with the last year.


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