Evgeny Shevchuk: Economic development and the growth of the citizens' material well-being can promote all negotiation process

03/14/15 19:57

Evgeny Shevchuk: Economic development and the growth of the citizens' material well-being can promote all negotiation process

Pridnestrovie's President Evgeny Shevchuk noted following the results of the meeting with the Moldova's Prime Minister in Kishinev, now the republic's economy encounter serious risks usually created on purpose

In this regard, the Head of State emphasized that there's considerable potential in the mutually beneficial economic cooperation between Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

"It is necessary to understand that it is important to live through any risks and challenges in our bustling world, through the economic wars and the market turbulence, to get over the growing poverty, serious social and economic problems. So, the contradictions between the parties may be and should be solved immediately. It would be possible if we considered the mutual benefits for the Pridnestrovie's and Moldova's people. We can resist the crisis and develop the economy for people's sake," the Head of State noted.

The President emphasized that the economic development and the growth of the citizens' material well-being can promote all negotiation process. It can be implemented using the new negotiation ideology offered by the Pridnestrovie's party.

"Our negotiation viewpoint is based on the positive ideology, i.e. don't do harm, be favorable and be the reliable partner. We offer to start the negotiations on the sticking points reduction in mutual trade and economic cooperation immediately. The corresponding instructions were given to the working groups for the burning issues discussion. Also there were instructions concerning the evolvement of measures required to minimize foreign economic relations blockade," the Pridnestrovie's President emphasized.


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