Radoyko Bogoyevich disproved the information spread around by the Moldavian mass media concerning his response to the introduction of the vehicle insurance in Pridnestrovie

02/19/15 13:44

Radoyko Bogoyevich disproved the information spread around by the Moldavian mass media concerning his response to the introduction of the vehicle insurance in Pridnestrovie

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Pridnestrovie's Government, the Foreign Minister Nina Shtanski told about it in the exclusive interview to "Novosti Pridnestrovya"

It is to be recalled that the special representative of the acting OSCE Chairman-in-Office Radoyko Bogoyevich visited Pridnestrovie last week. The distinguished guest held the meetings with the Pridnestrovie's President and the MFA. The diplomat held a briefing for the Moldavian mass media on arrival to Kishinev. In result, the local TV channels reported that Radoyko Bogoyevich allegedly had expressed his concern about the compulsory vehicle insurance recently introduced in Pridnestrovie.

The Pridnestrovie's Foreign Minister Nina Shtanski on her Facebook page doubted that the spread-around Radoyko Bogoyevich's comment really had concerned the insurance as the special representative also hadn't been interested in that matter during his visit to Tiraspol".

The head of the foreign policy department commented on the current situation exclusively for the "Novosti Pridnestrovya" news agency.

"We noticed these doubtful messages of some Moldavian mass media. Unfortunately, such falsifications about Pridnestrovie became a usual thing for Publika TV long ago. However, the information tends to spread widely, that's why the emerged public reaction can damage to these or those international issues, including the negotiations between Pridnestrovie and Moldova," Nina Shtanski noted.

In this regard, the Pridnestrovie's Foreign Ministry addressed the special representative of the acting OSCE Chairman-in-Office Radoyko Bogoyevich with a request to explain whether he had responded negatively concerning the introduction of the vehicle insurance in Pridnestrovie.

"This inquiry was necessary indeed as the special representative expressed any concern and specified any details on the mentioned question neither neither during the meeting with the Pridnestrovie's President, nor in the MFA," Nina Shtanski clarified.

In response to this inquiry the explanation was received from Radoyko Bogoyevich where the full text of his briefing comment was. "As it turned out, Publika TV had inserted a skillfully cut out fragment of the Ambassador's speech in the preedited context. Actually, the special representative pointed out the OSCE's common attitude concerning the interaction between Pridnestrovie and Moldova and told literally the following: "We go against any unilateral measures taken by any of the parties. It doesn't do well to the negotiations in general," the head of foreign policy department emphasized.

"Radoyko Bogoyevich encouraged me to address him confidently at any time further for the clarification of these or those public statements alleged to him," the minister told.


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