Population census will be carried out in Pridnestrovie

01/22/15 18:27

Population census will be carried out in Pridnestrovie

We can find out how many people there are in the republic this day in the second half of October this year

The appropriate regulation was adopted at the Government’s session today. The population census will be carried out within two weeks from October 14 till October 25. “All Pridnestrovie’s and foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the republic will be counted irrespective of their presence in the republic’s territory or their temporal absence there. The foreign citizens temporarily residing in Pridnestrovie will be also considered,” the head of the State Statistics Office Natalya Sluchinskaya told.

The regional committees will be established in the cities and regions to coordinate the state administrations.

Juridically, the population census has to be carried out at least once in 10 years. The latest procedure took place in Pridnestrovie in 2004. “The future census will show in practice how the number, the structure and the distribution of the population have changed in our republic since then,” Natalya Sluchinskaya noted.

It was also noted at the Government’s session that the census requiring additional expenses will be financed from the non-budgetary sources.


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