The PMR President met with representatives of trade unions

10/17/24 13:31

The PMR President met with representatives of trade unions

The President held an extended meeting with the leadership of the Federation of Trade Unions of Pridnestrovie, industry and territorial associations, primary trade union cells of large enterprises and organizations of the republic. The information and discussion event took place in the House of Official Receptions of the Administration of the PMR President. Parliamentarians and some ministers were invited to the conversation in addition to representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Pridnestrovie. The conversation lasted more than two hours. The topics touched upon and the problematic aspects raised formed the basis of the presidential instructions.

They talked about the Pridnestrovian society and ideology in the course of the meeting. They mentioned the announcement of 2025 as the Year of the Pridnestrovian People. The Federation of Trade Unions of Pridnestrovie asked to involve trade unions in organizing relevant events. A representative of the federation was included in a specially created commission that will form the program. The issue of protecting the rights of working people of retirement age was raised, noting that over 30 thousand recipients of old-age pensions continue to work in Pridnestrovie. The pressing issue of personnel shortages in various sectors of the national economy was discussed. Employers submit every year thousands of applications for vacancies, 70% of which are blue-collar jobs. Organizations most often needed drivers, cooks, mechanics, seamstresses, and nurses according to this summer statistics. The need for these specialists is much higher than the supply, but there is still hope to find a suitable employee. However, there are no battery specialists, archivists, roofers, meteorologists, or speech therapists at the labor exchange. The meeting participants spoke about the need to train workers based on current needs. This task was previously set by the President, and the government is working in this direction. Vadim Krasnoselsky noted that the Pridnestrovian system of vocational education is represented by two dozen organizations, where 16 thousand people are studying. The mechanism of dual practice-oriented education is successfully operating. It involves eight secondary educational institutions. Vadim Krasnoselsky called on manufacturing enterprises to more actively participate in this program, participating in the formation of labor reserves in demand in specific industries. He emphasized that the republic has moved away from the practice of an unjustifiably protracted process of training workers of various profiles, approximately three years. Practice-oriented training lasts from several months to a year and a half in many specialties at present. The President considers that it is effective to use the material and technical base of manufacturing enterprises as a basis for obtaining practical skills. This allows educational institutions to save on the acquisition of expensive equipment and at the same time train specialists directly on the equipment on which they will eventually have to work.

The issue of low wages for workers in the cultural sector was raised. Dnestrenergo cannot retain specialists either, the company's representative said. The shortage of line personnel is 50%. They discussed options for solving the problem. It was noted that it is wrong to increase wages for employees of individual enterprises or organizations: such a measure will lead to an outflow of specialists and will strip the staff of other institutions.

A request was made to include university teachers in the program of state support for young families to purchase housing. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to prepare an official request for the preparation of a corresponding legislative initiative.

The President's interlocutors raised the issue of an unfair approach in their opinion, when the accrued bonus is taken into account when bringing the amount of wages to the minimum wage, as a result of which the employee does not receive bonus money in fact. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to look into this and make adjustments to the legislation that will eliminate social injustice.

The fate of the “Victoria” health camp was discussed in the course of the meeting. The President was informed that the electrical and kitchen equipment at the facility had been updated and a new swimming pool had been built over the past three years. Considering that the camp is owned by the Federation of Trade Unions of Pridnestrovie, the federation is responsible for its modernization and development.

A representative of the Moldavizolit plant noted that the plant was idle due to the ban on product exports imposed by Moldova last year, and it is not working this year due to restrictions on raw material imports. They discussed in this context the negotiation process and measures of state support for idle enterprises that have become hostages of the geopolitical situation. Organizations are exempt from income tax and single social tax for the period of downtime, a deferment of other tax payments is provided, and tariffs are reduced to the possible minimum. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized concluding the meeting that the influence of external factors cannot be avoided, but maximum efforts must be made to stabilize the situation inside the republic, "cement" the Pridnestrovian society, ensuring political stability, economic self-sufficiency and social justice. The President recalled that Pridnestrovie was created three decades ago to protect citizens and continues to fulfill this primary task.


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