The mixture of peoples has been taking place in the territory of Pridnestrovie for thousands of years

10/01/24 17:45

The mixture of peoples has been taking place in the territory of Pridnestrovie for thousands of years

This is confirmed by archaeological finds

Tiraspol, October 1. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. The coexistence of peoples and religions in the territory of Pridnestrovie has been recorded in different historical eras. This opinion was expressed by the head of the research laboratory "Archaeology" of the Pridnestrovian State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vitaly Sinika, conducting a tour of the archaeological museum that opened at the university.

 "They often say now that the modern Pridnestrovian people are multi-confessional and multi-ethnic," Vitaly Sinika noted. – This is absolutely true at the present stage. But I will tell you that this was not a hundred years ago, not two hundred years ago, and not even five hundred years ago. There was a Slavic population, there was a Turkic population – nomads. Representatives of Orthodoxy, Muslims, and Jews also lived here. And that was 1100-1200 years ago. The multinational and multi-confessional composition of the current population of Pridnestrovie has its roots in very ancient times." According to the scientist, the basis for this conclusion is archaeological finds. As an example, he cited the burial of a Mongolian warrior from the last quarter of the 13th century. The items found in the burial indicate that the warrior was a Buddhist.


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