The President visited with a scheduled inspection the sports grounds in Bendery

06/04/24 18:02

The President visited with a scheduled inspection the sports grounds in Bendery

Vadim Krasnoselsky visited three educational institutions in Bendery today - schools No 11 and No 15, as well as gymnasium No.1. Educational institutions are united by participation in infrastructure programs. Sports grounds are being built there at the expense of state and municipal budgets. Work is in its final stages everywhere. Volleyball and basketball fields, a running track, a jumping pit, and stands are ready at Bendery Secondary School No.11. The area is paved with tiles. All that remains is to secure the netting to the fence supports around the playgrounds. This will be done during the current week. The head of Bendery administration Roman Ivanchenko said that construction took two years. The total cost is 5 million rubles. The facility is intended not only for school needs. The site was conceived as a public one for residents of the Leninsky microdistrict. The complex turned out to be even more structurally rich than the one opened last year in Solnechny microdistrict (near school No.16), according to the city mayor. There is a request to create a Builders' Park in the neighborhood.

The grand opening of the sports complex near school No.15 is planned for the 6th of June. It will be possible to practice football, volleyball, basketball, and workout there. Construction was financed from the Capital Investment Fund 2023 and 2024. In total 4.5 million have been allocated. The President spoke with the school administration and discussed the upcoming landscaping of the area.

A sports ground near the first gymnasium of Bendery will be put into operation a little later. Work is still underway there. Sports equipment has been installed. It is necessary to construct a fence, cover the concrete surfaces with wood (these will be benches), pave certain areas with tiles, fill the jumping pit, and lay a rubberized coating. The estimated completion date for the work is August 1. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended adding outdoor exercise equipment to the site. Roman Ivanchenko said that there are requests for them from other institutions, as well as residents of some microdistricts. A citywide application will be formed.

Landscaping work is to be carried out at all sites. City services have been instructed to select planting material and root it. Educational institutions will be responsible for further care. Vadim Krasnoselsky recommended in this regard that school administrations first think about what exactly will be planted near sports grounds, where it is better to sow a lawn, and which areas would be more appropriate to fill with crushed stone, in which sectors rose bushes are appropriate, and where it is advisable to plant conifers. The President recalled that it is important to take into consideration the possibilities of irrigation.

The President visited the embankment of Bendery. Its transformation continues. A project for improving the sports and entertainment zone of Oktyabrsky Park is being discussed. Three million rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the first stage this year. The developers propose zoning the complex according to age interests. According to the head of the city, all equipment will be manufactured by local workers (previously the equipment was purchased in Ukraine). Construction work is expected to be completed by the end of September. Filling will be carried out in stages.


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