The memory of Holocaust victims was honored in Tiraspol

01/25/24 13:46

The memory of Holocaust victims was honored in Tiraspol

A rally was held at the memorial to those innocently killed during the years of fascist occupation with the participation of the leadership of the Government and the Supreme Council

Tiraspol, January 25. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Today in the Pridnestrovian capital a requiem rally took place at the monument to those innocently killed during the fascist occupation of Tiraspol (1941-1944). The memorial was opened in 2018 at the site where mass executions of civilians took place.

Head of the Government Alexander Rosenberg, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council Galina Antyufeyeva, representatives of Government bodies, Jewish communities of Pridnestrovie and Moldova, public and youth organizations took part in the mourning events.

The memory of the victims of the Holocaust was honored with a minute of silence and flowers were laid.

The requiem rally was held before International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which will be celebrated this Saturday. A significant date: January 27, 1945, the Red Army liberated the largest Nazi death camp, Auschwitz.

During the years of fascist occupation, at least 300 thousand Jews became victims of the Romanian authorities, exterminated in a ghetto on Pridnestrovian land. In the winter of 1941-1942 alone, more than a quarter of a million Jews were executed in the area between the Dniester and Southern Bug rivers, they recalled at a rally in Tiraspol.

As Prime Minister Alexander Rosenberg noted, this incomprehensible tragedy, the ugly face of Nazism and anti-Semitism, should become a lesson for all humanity, the Government press service writes.

“For some, the Holocaust is simply a historical fact. For descendants, victims and liberating soldiers, this is an unprecedented act of genocide and cruelty. Of course, this day should be remembered just so that our children, neither now nor in the future, become victims, executioners, or observers of such facts,” the head of the Government said.

He emphasized that today one of the most important tasks facing the state is to preserve peace, respect and the historical heritage of the multinational people of Pridnestrovie. Let us remind you that more than 70 nationalities live in peace and harmony on the territory of the republic.

“This is a terrible dark page in the history of the Soviet Union. And the fact that innocent people were just shot because they were Jews is terrible. We are here to ensure that this never happens again, so that when people come to this monument to the Holocaust victims, they look into history and read how it happened. The Holocaust means burnt offering, people were burned alive, thrown into pits. Children were killed in front of their parents, death camps were created where people were exterminated in gas chambers, where they were subjected to terrible torture, where they died of hunger, this is creepy and scary,” the parliamentary press service quotes Galina Antyufeyeva.

Mourning events will take place in Bendery at the Jewish cemetery tomorrow.


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