The State Administration of Rybnitsa district and Rybnitsa activity was recognized by the President as satisfactory

02/20/23 17:09

The State Administration of Rybnitsa district and Rybnitsa activity was recognized by the President as satisfactory

A series of events dedicated to summing up the annual results of activities continues. The administration of Rybnitsa reported today on the work done in 2022. The report was voiced by the Head of the district Viktor Tyagay via videoconference. The President, heads of state bodies, ministries and departments, deputies heard and discussed the information.

The population of Rybnitsa district exceeds 66 thousand people. One third are rural residents, two thirds are city dwellers. 2022 is indicated as the year of birth for 358 babies born in Rybnitsa and the villages of the district. The lives of 1023 local residents were cut short in 2022. The relationship of 293 couples was legalized, 213 couples divorced.

The district treasury received 273.5 million rubles (5.9% more than planned). 78% makes its own income. The largest taxpayers: Moldavian metallurgical plant (63.2 million rubles), Cement plant of Rybnitsa (22.9 million) and Sheriff (17.6 million). The metallurgical and cement plants are the basis of the region's industry. 81% is the contribution of the Moldavian metallurgical plant to the total volume of production, 12.1% of the Rybnitsa plant. Large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in the region produced products worth a total of 7.2 billion rubles, which is 39.2% less than a year earlier in general.

Funded expenses are 242.2 million. 165 million is the salary of state employees, which was paid on time and in full, Viktor Tyagay noted.

3800 individual entrepreneurs and 1205 legal entities were involved in the district's economy in 2022.

594 peasant farms and 61 organizations were employed in the crop sector of the agro-industrial complex in 2022. They sowed together 99% of arable land, 53.7 thousand hectares. The sowing plan was completed in full. Eight legal entities and 13 peasant farms were engaged in the production of livestock products. An increase in livestock in various areas from 5.6% to 35% was noted. The quantity: cattle - 3668, pigs - 2878, sheep and goats - 204, poultry - 3635 heads. Gross milk production increased by 30% (7590.5 tons). The growth of the indicator was affected by the increase in the productivity of cattle.

The route network of the city includes 14 directions, communication between the settlements of the region is provided by 13 suburban routes. 1.7 million passengers were transported during the year. There are two social routes. The local budget financed 282780 trips for privileged categories of citizens (1.4 million rubles were spent to reimburse the carrier's expenses).

The Head of the city spoke about the work of housing and communal enterprises. There are eight of them. The total number of employees is 1300 people. Housing maintenance office serves 446 houses, where more than 30 thousand people live. 70 entrances were covered by capital and current repairs during the year. More than 7700 square meters of roofs of residential buildings have been replaced or put in order. Special automotive enterprise "Spetsavtokhozyaystvo" removed 113.5 thousand cubic meters of municipal solid waste during the year. New specialized vehicles and almost fifty garbage containers were purchased. The elevator industry, which serves 247 cabins, has overhauled more than fifty elevators. 344 trees, two hundred shrubs, 49 conifers, 1124 annuals and 1424 perennial flowers were planted.

There were four municipal programs aimed at improving the infrastructure during the year. The total amount of financing is 14.6 million rubles. Attention was paid to many educational institutions – gymnasiums, lyceums, schools, kindergartens, correctional institutions. A mini-football field was built in Rybnitsa. About a million rubles were spent on work on cultural sites in the city and villages of the Rybnitsa district. 677 thousand – the amount of funding for sports institutions. 1.6 million allocated for public utilities and landscaping. Another one and a half million are funds from the voter mandate program. Approximately three million rubles were spent on activities financed from the local environmental fund.

The length of the Rybnitsa roads is 906.6 kilometers. The Head of the district called the transport and operational condition of the greater part satisfactory. More than 30 million rubles were allocated from the municipal and republican road funds for their maintenance. Victor Tyagay focused on this issue indicating the addresses, the length of the sections, the types of work carried out, the amount of funding.

According to the state capital investment program, 9.5 million rubles were allocated for Rybnitsa facilities in 2022. The construction of the city mini-football field has begun. Children's "Electric Cars" was installed and the summer stage was reconstructed in the park named after Kirov. Equipped a sports ground in a boarding school. The school yard in the village of Yerzhovo and the adjacent territories of four kindergartens in Rybnitsa were landscaped. One and a half million rubles were allocated for these purposes. The same amount was spent on the construction of a centralized water supply system in the village of Krasnenkoe. The overhaul of the Rybnitsa sports school has been completed.

The speaker focused on the social policy of the district. According to him, preferential loans of 100 thousand rubles each for the purchase of housing were issued to six young families in 2022. Twenty seven citizens were provided with temporary housing. Eight apartments for orphans have been purchased.

The sphere of public education of Rybnitsa district is represented by 65 organizations: 30 kindergartens and 35 schools. 1567 schoolchildren from Rybnitsa participated during the year in various republican and international events, including competitive ones, taking 162 prizes. Public education department held 126 events during the year with a total coverage of 6300 children and youth.

There are 68 cultural institutions in the district, four additional education, 11 museums, 26 libraries. There is a car club. 2229 cultural events were held during the year, which were attended by almost 144 thousand people. Viktor Tyagay singled out events for people with special health needs – about fifty of them were held.

The speaker in the course of the discussion part of the meeting was addressed with clarifying and supplementing questions about the life of the region. They were about measures to support the villages. According to the Head of the district, the priority areas are putting in order rural roads, providing street lighting, creating effective mechanisms for the collection and disposal of solid waste. The presence of ungraded schools is highlighted as a problematic aspect. Two city baths were mentioned. One of them is not working now. Infrastructure repair will require an investment of 4.7 million rubles. Vadim Krasnoselsky expressed confidence that the costs will pay off with effective management. Another public bath is opened, but is a subsidized enterprise. Gradually, the amount of subsidies is being reduced, but additional measures are needed to ensure the profitability of this organization. They are now being discussed in working order.

Speaking about the region's economy, the President drew attention to the fact that the efficiency of large budget-forming enterprises, to a lesser extent than small businesses, depends on the participation of municipal authorities. Vadim Krasnoselsky aimed at the activation of individual entrepreneurship in the region. The PMR President spoke about the fact that the activities of municipal institutions should be efficient and profitable. Services must be of high quality and affordable, then they will have their own consumer, which will allow organizations to develop. Creation of new jobs is a factor that has a positive impact on migration processes, the President noted, drawing attention to the fact that for several years the migration income of the population has been observed in the region. Vadim Krasnoselsky singled out a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in mortality as a negative point. The last indicator was affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The President focused on the fact that often people die not from the disease, but from its consequences, calling for more attention to be paid to prevention and post-COVID rehabilitation. Vadim Krasnoselsky mentioned the building of the infectious diseases hospital of Rybnitsa. The medical facility still retains its mission. There is an idea to create a residential complex based on its infrastructure in the future, when the pandemic finally recedes. This could be, for example, cooperative housing for healthcare workers. Another housing project that was discussed today is already being implemented. We are talking about the reconstruction of the building of the former dormitory of the Rybnitsa technical school into a residential building. The cooperative is not yet completed. Vadim Krasnoselsky instructed to intensify work in this direction. It is important to understand the cost per square meter of future housing for citizens to decide on participation in shared construction, Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized.

The PMR President mentioned the swimming pool of Rybnitsa, stressing that the sports facility will have to be given attention this year. The bowl has been updated, the locker rooms and the ventilation system need to be repaired. A martial arts school is awaited in the sports sector of the district. Options for its placement are being discussed. The catering departments of many educational institutions are in need of repair and equipment. The state will help with the funds of the Capital Investment Fund, but active municipal participation is necessary, the President emphasized. Vadim Krasnoselsky spoke about the need to gradually upgrade the equipment and machinery of public utilities.

The President assessed the work of the Rybnitsa state administration as effective, noting the effectiveness of leadership and a good level of interaction with local deputies and parliamentarians.

Interesting information that Vadim Krasnoselsky shared during the discussion: documents were found in the course of research work indicating that the first mention of Rybnitsa dates back six decades earlier than previously thought. The information is being verified. Perhaps Rybnitsa will have to update the city chronicle.


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