COVID statistics

02/21/22 10:31

COVID statistics

According to the information announced in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters under the President for prevention of the spread of coronavirus, 4225 Pridnestrovians are carriers of COVID-19 at the moment. 1312 of them are being treated in specialized hospitals. At the moment, 140 hospital beds are occupied in the hospital of Slobodzeya, 166 in Rybnitsa, 128 in Dubossary, 228 in the city hospital of Bendery, 121 on the basis of the Center for Mother and Child of Bendery, 373 in the coronavirus unit of the Republican Clinical Hospital, 68 in a specialized hospital at the site of the veterans hospital. 17 wards are being treated on the basis of the psychiatric hospital in the village of Vykhvatintsy, and 3 at the second-level hospital on the basis of penitentiary institution, three prisoners are being treated. The number of hospital beds in Dubossary and Rybnitsa hospitals has been reduced by 115 units. A temporary infectious disease hospital based on the Tirotex dispensary as well as a hospital based on the May Day veterans' home, has been closed down. The workload of the hospital network as a whole is currently 72%. 241 people are severely enduring coronavirus – 18% of the total number of hospitalized, 34 are patients in intensive care units, three are connected to artificial lung ventilation devices. 2879 Pridnestrovians are being treated at home. 128 such patients needed hospitalization in the period from February 14 to February 20. The number of children infected with coronavirus is 65 people (83 minors were sick a week earlier).

9072 samples of biomaterial of citizens suspected of having an infection were examined during the week (for the entire time of the pandemic - 464189). The fact of the disease in the reporting period was confirmed in 3120 cases. Average daily incidence – is 446 (632 a week earlier). 105375 cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded in Pridnestrovie totally during the coronavirus pandemic. 2085 carriers of the virus or 2% of the sick died (31 deaths per week), 99065 people or 94% of those infected coped with the disease (during the reporting week 4988 recovered). 2426 Pridnestrovians are in conditions of mandatory self-isolation.

1038 Pridnestrovians completed a full course of vaccination during the reporting period. 140710 people, or 36.8% of the adult population, were vaccinated against COVID-19 in the republic in total.


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