Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

10/25/21 10:56

Working discussion with members of the Operational Headquarters

It was noted in the course of the meeting of the Operational Headquarters that a number of weekly carriers of coronavirus infection has been growing for ten weeks. The indicators for children are also going up along with the growth of the overall morbidity. If 72 children were ill last week, there are 100 children this week (4% and 5% of all carriers of the virus, respectively).

The President instructed to strengthen control over the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological requirements in public places.

The mechanism of the President-initiated five-day study regime of schoolchildren was discussed at the meeting of the Operational Headquarters. It was decided to start this practice at the beginning of the second school quarter.

They talked about the provision of the health care system with medicines, protective equipment, and oxygen. The President was informed that the daily consumption of medical oxygen increased during the week from 886 to 1002 cylinders. The need is covered, there is no shortage. Moldavian Metallurgical Plant reserve is 149 tons of oxygen. As for medicines, they are procured on time. The next batch of Remdesivir is expected today, and Arbidol tomorrow. Heparin as well as tests, masks and gloves were ordered in addition.

A request for protective masks was received from the PMR Central Election Commission. 250 thousand units will be purchased to ensure the safety of voters.

The issues related to vaccination against coronavirus were also discussed. The vaccination campaign continues. The second stage of the marathon of vaccination of rural residents was held last weekend. 92 settlements are covered. 1373 people received preventive anti-coronavirus drugs in rural feldsher-obstetric centers and rural medical outpatient clinics. In total, 108595 people have completed the full vaccination course in the republic. Vadim Krasnoselsky considers it expedient to start revaccination. The PMR President emphasized at the same time that statistics on primary and subsequent vaccinations should be kept separately.


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