Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the Russian Ambassador

05/26/21 13:10

Vadim Krasnoselsky met with the Russian Ambassador

The meeting between Vadim Krasnoselsky and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Moldova Oleg Vasnetsov took place at the presidential executive office. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange relevant information on the current situation in the sphere of Pridnestrovian-Russian relations and in the context of the negotiation process in the "Permanent Conference..." format. The agenda included issues related to the resumption of the full-fledged work of the Tiraspol point of exit consular services of the Russian Embassy. Justified by the pandemic, the suspension of the reception of citizens and documents, and reduced activities in terms of functionality, led to the accumulation of documentation. Approximately 20000 applications were not processed. As a result, Russian citizens living in Pridnestrovie have additional difficulties with border crossing, admission to Russian universities and other areas, Vadim Krasnoselsky said during conversation with the Russian diplomat.

The upcoming autumn elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation were among the topics that the interlocutors discussed today. It was about the organizational and preparatory measures necessary for the voting by the Russians living in Pridnestrovie. The PMR President discussed this issue today in the course of the working meeting with the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the PMR Elena Gorodetskaya. All aspects requiring attention were discussed with the Russian Ambassador.

Cultural and educational ties between the two countries did not go unnoticed by the interlocutors. They talked about their strengthening and development. Specific projects and plans, including those related to the Pridnestrovian State University were discussed. The issue of giving the status of a Russian university to the Pridnestrovian State University named after Taras Shevchenko remains topical.

A significant part of the working discussion was devoted to the negotiation process. They focused on the participants’ upcoming meetings. The interlocutors are confident in the necessity to continue the dialogue and increase its activity and productivity. Vadim Krasnoselsky emphasized that the Pridnestrovian side invariably stands for the preservation of the "5 + 2" format and stands exclusively on dialogue positions. The PMR President at the same time noted that one should not ignore the two-year stagnation in negotiations provoked and supported by Moldova, and also focused on the stable unwillingness of the neighboring republic to fulfill the previously achieved obligations.

The PMR President expressed confidence that progress in the negotiations is impossible in conditions of ignoring the obligations of one of the parties.

The interlocutors expressed the hope that the meetings planned for the near future in the “3+2” and “5 + 2” formats will be productive and the dialogue of the parties will revive and fill with practical content.


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