Immunization against coronavirus was launched in Pridnestrovie

03/29/21 14:38

Immunization against coronavirus was launched in Pridnestrovie

The first people to receive the vaccination were ten medical workers of the republican clinical hospital (RCH), who are actively involved in the treatment of patients with COVID-19

Tiraspol, March 29. /Novosti Pridnestrovya/. Immunization against coronavirus has launched in Pridnestrovie. The first in the country was the Republican Clinical Hospital (RCH) head physician Igor Tostanovsky. He has to looking after covid-hospitals patients every day.

“All is well, it’s time to go on working,” Igor Tostanovsky said after the vaccine inoculation.

The RCH endoscopist-surgeon Gennady Gribenchikov was the next to be vaccinated.

 “For me, this’s a usual injection, but the realization that this’s a step towards supporting my health is key aspect. Personally for me, it doesn’t matter what is the kind of vaccine. The preparation AstraZeneca has been certified, there’re clinical approvals for this vaccine’s using. We live in a small country and should trust an international practice. We will use that vaccine, which arrived the first one. But, of course, we are waiting for another vaccine incoming. It’s necessary to be vaccinated in order to protect yourself and show by your example that vaccination is a today’s reality” Gennady Gribenchikov noted.

According to the Ministry of Health, the RCH ten doctors, who are actively involved in the treatment of patients with COVID-19, received the vaccination today. The second dose of immunization will be required after eight weeks. In the meantime, only doctors, who are working in covid-hospitals will be vaccinated. Lists of those who’re wishing to be vaccinated tomorrow are already being formed. Totally, 11 immunization centers are being opened in Pridnestrovie, whereby over 900 AstraZeneca doses have been distributed.

“One medicine bottle contains a dose for ten people. Consequently, a ten people group is previously formed to use to the maximum extent possible the medicine,” Gennady Gribenchikov explained.

Until then vaccination, a patient undergoes a standard procedure: the therapist clarifies the allergological anamnesis, asks for chronic, intercurrent diseases, and assesses the general condition. Only after then is the injection is made. During the first 15 minutes an active observation of the vaccinated person is carried out.

The RCH infectious disease physician Emilia Teisanu, shared her feelings after the vaccine inoculation.

 “There is nothing unusual; this’s not the first time we have been vaccinated. Personally I was waiting for the vaccine and the immunization’s launching, because this’s the only chance to stop the pandemic outbreaks. There were no doubts, I’m always up of immunization and it doesn’t matter what is the kind of vaccine. After the vaccination, there may be only some local pain as well as a temperature for several days, but that’s not such a big deal, this’s a normal organismal response to any vaccine inoculation,” Emilia Teisanu explained.

We remind you that 1,810 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Pridnestrovie. Immunization in the republic will be carried out on a voluntary basis.

A batch of Pfizer vaccine is expected to arrive in Pridnestrovie on the 5 April. The medicine can be stored for only five days, thus, it will necessary to be used within the specified period.

There is as of yet no certainty with relation to the Russian Sputnik V vaccine. The PMR President Vadim Krasnoselsky reported that in the coming days he intents upon going to Moscow for this issue resolving on the spot.

It should be noted that Pridnestrovie cannot receive the “Sputnik V” vaccine due to obstacles from Moldova.


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