The President held a regular working meeting with officials involved in the postgraduate medical education system reorganization

03/23/21 16:03

The President held a regular working meeting with officials involved in the postgraduate medical education system reorganization

The President has raised the topic of improving the mechanism of postgraduate medical education not for the first time. This issue was already discussed in mid-February. They talked about going from internship to residency. The main argument in favor of the latter is the great immersion of the graduates of the medical faculty of PSU in the specialty under the supervision of practicing specialists. Following the results of the previous meeting, the President gave a number of instructions. Vadim Krasnoselsky asked about their performance today. According to the Minister of Health Christina Albul, an interdepartmental working group was created, which included representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and PSU named after T. G. Shevchenko. The regulatory framework has been revised. Necessary amendments to some legislative acts have been proposed. The draft of the corresponding decree of the PMR Government was sent for approval to the Ministry of Justice. The President outlined the necessity to speed up the approval procedure, giving the PMR Ministry of Justice two days to complete the work on the document.

The practical aspects of introducing the new mechanism were discussed. They talked, for example, about assigning graduates to certain medical institutions. An important tool is the conclusion of a tripartite agreement - between the Ministry of Health, a medical institution and a student resident. The model document has already been developed. Rector of the State University Stepan Beril noted the importance of personal participation of representatives of medical institutions in the final distribution of graduates (the preliminary one has already taken place this month).

They also discussed the personnel component of the issue at the meeting. The university is experiencing an acute shortage of specialists who, within the framework of the current legislation, could act as managers during the graduates' residency. The legal framework limits the number of positions held by educators and medical practitioners. The President instructed to revise the norms towards a reasonable increase for internal and external part-time workers (employees of PSU and medical institutions) who are ready to take on the additional burden associated with residency maintaining.


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